The Police
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Criminal damage to a vehicle-Pix Rd-Letchworth

Dear member

Police have received a report involving a damage to a white Peugeot. 

The incident occurred outside a property in Pix Road, Letchworth, between 10/05/2024 at 1800 hrs and 11/05/2024 at 0745 hrs.

Offender(s) have scratched bodywork and punctured the tyres using an unknown sharp tool. 

Have you noticed anyone or anything suspicious in the area or have any information that may be of use to the Police regarding this crime or have CCTV which may assist us? 

If so, please contact the Police on the non-emergency number 101 and quote crime reference 41/37391/24.

Don't let thieves get an easy ride. Follow these simple rules to protect your vehicle from thieves.

1. Lock your vehicle

2. Keep the keys safe

Thieves only need to be within a few metres of your car key to capture the signal, even if it’s inside your home. This means that even if your car and home are secure, thieves can still unlock, start and steal your car.

How to protect your keyless entry car

  • When at home keep your car key (and the spare) well away from the car.
  • Put the keys in a screened or signal-blocking pouch, such as a Faraday Bag.
  • Reprogramme your keys if you buy a second-hand car.
  • Turn off wireless signals on your fob when it's not being used.
  • 3. Be aware of carjackers

    4. Park responsibly

    5. Watch for illegal tow trucks

    6. Fit good in-car security locks

    7. Double-check electronic locking

    For more vehicle crime prevention advice visit: Crime prevention advice | Hertfordshire Constabulary (herts.police.uk)


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    Message Sent By
    Angelo Pavlou
    (Hertfordshire Constabulary, PCSO, North Herts - Letchworth & Baldock)

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