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Build a Better Bedwell Community Launch

Dear Resident,

I hope you are very well. My name is PC Chloé BARKER and I am one of the local PC’s for Bedwell and Pin Green.

I wanted to let you know about a public launch for the Build a Better Bedwell project that is taking place in the upcoming May half-term. The day is about informing and celebrating the extensive work around Bedwell to make it a safer place for its residents. The event is in partnership with Stevenage Council and will have lots of fun and informative activities for all family members. 

SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday 29th May 2024: 
TIME: 1-4pm
LOCATION: Town Centre Gardens

Please tell your family and friends. Everyone is welcome! 

I look forward to seeing you there.


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Message Sent By
Chloe Barker
(Hertfordshire Constabulary, PC, Stevenage)

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