Police have received a report of a business burglary that occurred at the Post Office on Hallowes Crescent in South Oxhey This has occurred on Saturday 15th February 2025 at 05:07AM hours. At the material time, offender(s) have broken the metal shutters to the store and forced their way in by smashing the glass on the front door. Whilst inside the store, offender(s) have taken property consisting of cigarettes and cash. Offender(s) have exited the same way they entered and left in an unknown direction. If you have any CCTV or ring doorbell footage of suspicious persons or vehicles in the vicinity of the Post Office on Hallowes Crescent. On the time or days leading up to this, please call 101, quoting crime number 41/14914/25. If you have any information or able send CCTV footage via email. You can also send this to oxhey@herts.police.uk, quoting the above crime reference number above. Business Crime Prevention - Crime against a business can take many forms: from shoplifting or non-paying diners to staff theft and burglary from premises. Help safeguard your business with our advice. | ||||
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