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Keep warm in cold weather and be ready for anything

Keep warm in cold weather and be ready for anything


Cold weather can be bad for our health, particularly as we get older. The risk of strokes, heart attacks and increased blood pressure increases when we get cold and those with long-term health conditions are particularly vulnerable.

With cold temperatures set to continue for the next few days, Ready for Anything - www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/readyforanything – has good advice you can follow to keep warm at home, together with information on things we can all do to be ready for incidents and emergencies.

Like all counties, Hertfordshire faces potential risks, including natural and weather-related hazards, losing supply of the things we depend on every day.

Being aware of what could happen, and making some simple preparations, will go a long way to reducing the impact on you, family, and friends if something happens.

Ready for Anything information has been provided by Hertfordshire Resilience, a multi-agency partnership of over 60 organisations, which includes emergency services, local councils, health services, charities and volunteers, planning and training together to provide the quickest and most effective response to incidents and emergencies.

↪️ Find out more at:  www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/readyforanything



Issued on behalf of Hertfordshire Resilience.


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Message Sent By
Daniel Huntley
(Hertfordshire Constabulary, PCSO Supervisor, St Albans - London Colney)

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